Learning english through pictures

This is a fun and user–friendly way to learn English

Learning a new language is very important in human life.Interesting in learning a language different from the mother tongue contributes to the acquisition of new language skills, as well as a range of other skills, such as educational and pedagogical skills, so many peoples have sought to learn new languages This has led to many countries in the world teaching another language in their school and university curricula to become a secondary language besides the official language spoken within the country. Language learning contributes to many positives for the human being. Learning another language in the early years of life is very beneficial, as it helps to learn to read and write better; which leads to the development of academic skills and obtaining high marks in school, and it also contributes to learning a new language It increases self-confidence, because it helps in developing the ability to communicate and communicate between people, and also in obtaining suitable opportunities for work or higher education.

English Made Easy is a breakthrough in English language learning—imaginatively exploiting how pictures and text can work together to create understanding and help readers learn more productively. It gives beginner English learners easy access to the vocabulary, grammar and functions of English as it is actually used in a comprehensive range of social situations. Self–guided students and classroom learners alike will be delighted by the way they are helped to progress effortlessly from one unit to the next, using a combination of pictures and text to discover for themselves how English works. The pictorial method used in this book is based on a thorough understanding of language structure and how language is successfully learned. The authors are experienced English language teachers with strong backgrounds in language analysis and language learning.

English Made Easy, Volume 1 consists of a total of 20 units arranged in groups of five. The first four units present language and provide learners the opportunities to practice as they learn. The first page of each unit has a list of all the words and phrases to be learned in that unit, together with a pronunciation guide. At the end of each unit, an entertaining story which uses the language that has just been learned is presented. The fifth unit in each group contains exercises designed to reinforce the language learned in the first four units.

This is a book that keeps its promise. It makes learning English easy. People today learn English for a wide variety of purposes. 

You may use English in your work, live in an English-speaking country, or be planning to visit one. Whatever your purpose, English Made Easy is a perfect way to learn basic skills in English language communication.
 English Made Easy does not teach grammar. It teaches you how to use English. Grammar informs the way that the book is structured, but the authors believe that, especially at beginner level, new students do not need to clutter their learning with grammatical labels and rules. 

They learn by observing, discovering and practicing how language is used. English Made Easy uses the universal language of pictures to present language in the contexts in which it is used. 
Students learn the meaning of what is written by studying how language is used in the pictures. Real life social situations are broken down into their simplest parts so that students quickly see how the language works and relate it to their own needs. 
It’s actually fun! English Made Easy can be used by an individual student or by a group of learners in a conversation group or classroom with a teacher. 
Because students don’t need to know the grammar before they start, it is easy to guide learners through the pages of English Made Easy or for learners to use it for self study. 
The first edition of English Made Easy has been popular with learners and teachers all over the world. The second edition is even easier to use. 
It has been improved with some corrections and new information on the introductory page to each unit. The table of contents shows the functions, grammar and topics covered in each unit. 
The first page of each unit outlines what you can expect to learn from the unit. It includes word lists and a note about the grammar in the unit. 
This note is for information only and need not be learned by the student. Some of the units also contain brief fill-in exercises, and every fifth unit provides practice activities for revision and extension. 


Answers are provided. The index refers students to the unit in which the word is introduced. To all our learners, wherever you are and however you use this book, we wish you every success!

The  good reasons to learn English

Simply because English is an international language.

Who does not like to travel, to fly, to discover new people and cultures? Without English this task could be complicated.

Indeed, English is THE international language, it is spoken everywhere in the world. Speaking English you will never have problems communicating at airports, asking someone for directions, spending a few nights in a hotel, or eating at the chicest hotel in quartier.

Work & Business
Speaking English with a good accent and in a grammatically correct way could help you get a job whether it's in France or in another country. If you know how to speak this language you can work internationally!

Well, it is not required for all trades, but it will still give you a better chance of being taken for this or that position.

Brain Training
The brain is like a muscle, the less you train it the less it becomes powerful and functional. It is strongly advised to learn a language every 10 years to keep a brain in shape.

You probably think that you can train your brain with any language, that's true, but it would certainly be better to learn a useful and simple language.

You can very well learn a language without any "real" reason. It may very well be a challenge that you have started or just to feel the pleasure of learning a new thing that is useful, cool, etc.

In addition, let's face it, it's too much the class to speak English in front of your friends. Especially if you have a nice American accent with a little french touch tout.`

Original version !
Listen to the real voice of your favorite actors, be able to watch the series when they leave the USA without waiting for translations ... Mmmh what a pleasure!

Without this language you surely could not do it, it's still one of the many reasons why you have to learn English.

On the internet, most results are in English. Imagine; you are looking for a tutorial to repair your car engine and you can not find anything in French, you will always have the chance to search in English.

Of course, I did not mention everything, but I showed you the most important reasons. Remember that learning English or another language must be a pleasure, it takes time and money too. So you really have to take pleasure in learning this language.
If you have to do it for work, try to make this activity interesting, whatever you like to do in French, do it in English, etc.

About the Author:

Jonathan Crichton is a research fellow in the Center of Languages and Cultures Education at the University of South Australia. He has over fifteen years' experience in teaching and research in English language education and has published widely in related areas. He holds a Ph.D. in Linguistics and an MA in Applied Linguistics. His current research focuses on the implications of internationalization for intercultural teaching and learning in higher education.

Pieter Koster is a Senior Learning Design Officer at the Center for Learning Innovation, part of the Department of Education and Training in NSW. He has many years experience in English language education and the design and development of learning materials in a wide variety of vocational fields. He is the author of four school textbooks published by MacMillan in Japan and Compass in Korea and Taiwan. He holds an honors degree in Arts and an MA in Applied linguistics.
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